Saturday, April 8, 2017


" i can swear
i can joke
i say what's on my mind"

"sometimes it's hard for me to show"

i know this song talks mostly on how most people see that it is inappropriate and or unlikely for a girl to smoke and get drunk and randomly make out with someone et cetera lalala

but i see this song as something more than that

despite all the swearing, i really relate to this song because i feel that, as a girl, i have to live up to these certain expectations, because i'm a girl.

a girl don't usually spends time alone; she's always with a group of friends. she gets emotional when it comes to goodbyes, and she values anything that has to do with friendship very much.

a girl wears makeup, a part of her relies on artificial beauty to tell people visually just how valuable she is.

a girl is usually soft. they're tender and kind. some people think that girls are not supposed to erupt in loud fits of laughter, especially in public. for men it's okay, for women it's not.

a girl usually gets married. around 26 or somewhere around that number a lot of people are highly expecting you to prepare for marriage/ be engaged/ at least have a boyfriend. and even some of them would go a little extra and introduce you to some single guy they know around that age and hopefully you guys know each other better and get married afterwards (yes people your intentions are that obvious. and have you ever think that those intentions might have come off as hurtful? is a girl really that desperate for marriage?)

what if i don't try to fulfill some of these standards?

what if i like my job more than i like my friends?

what if i'd rather spend time alone doing the things that i like at home, rather than going to some fancy restaurant having a fancy brunch with a group of friends?

what if i don't get emotional when it comes to goodbye?

what if i don't want to settle down in a house with babies hanging on my chest? what if i want success more than i want love?

what if i despise applying makeup? why is it so hard for me to feel good without it at a party? i don't like using it because i fear that my confidence will rely on makeup, that's why i don't want to use it to go to church, or attend a party. but if i don't use it, then i will be a disappointment to certain people. damn it's hard to be yourself without trying to please people. they'll always make you feel unsure of yourself for being peculiar, and that is depressing.

what if i'm not soft, tender and kind? what if i'm loud? what if i'm bold, strong-headed, and obnoxious? what if i cannot be silenced and i demand that i have the right to speak up my mind and do what i can do to erase the world's way of thinking of what a girl should and shouldn't do?

does that makes me less of a girl?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Parallel World

(who knew writing can take your mind off of things #surpisinglygood)


Where I live in
Sometimes "whatever" means "no"
"go away" means "stay"
Saying "fine"
Whilst holding tears from falling
Saying "okay"
When it's just

Be kind
Be loving
Be corteous

And when nobody's looking
Curse them
Whisper dirty secrets
Raise your middle finger
Anything you hate
All the things you despise
Let it out
Let it all out
Just don't show them
Just don't

"Good night"
"Good morning"
That's what I heard
That's what I thought

Where were you in person?
Heaven's sake
Are you even real?

This mask you're wearing
It's really captivating

I love your mask
But I don't know you